One Arrow is Plenty, if You Use it Well
Many times, we spend too much time trying to shoot many targets using one arrow- this is impossible in very many cases because of the many obstacles that might stand in the way of the target(s).
Concentrating on many things at a time is most times not only a hindrance but also a distraction. Men who lived before me always said “You cannot serve two masters at the same time,” they were somewhat right.
When you get all your resources and you distribute them evenly or unevenly over a specified period of time, you’ll notice that not every project or piece of work that you anticipated or expected to accomplish will be accomplished.
We should always remember that equal distribution of resources isn’t division of labor but the absence of it.
We often fail to accomplish the things we want to accomplish because we focus on too many things at a time but when you divide your tasks concentrating on one task at a time, a lot more than what was expected can be accomplished.
Well as many people respect and abide by multitasking all day, all week, all year, multitasking doesn’t guarantee the best results for all work done. To produce excellent work and results, it’s important to give every task equal time, and equal effort - One arrow is plenty, if you use it well.
There’s an African Proverb that my mind always runs towards — A hunter with only one arrow does not shoot with careless aim.
Meaning: Have you ever thought of how good of a manager you are when you don’t have much money? You tend to plan well and discipline your yourself against unnecessary spending.
So the question is: how is it that we tend to unwise and wasteful in our habits when we have a lot of something? For many of us if we know of certainty that we only have a month to live, I bet we will become wise in the way we live our lives.
Why is this so? The simple answer is that when we have a lot we take things for granted (thinking that a little waste or loss doesn’t really matter). But what we don’t realize is that it’s the little that accumulates to become a lot.
A little act of carelessness everyday becomes a habit of foolishness over time. And actually a wasteful lifestyle reveals how self-centered we are. If we aren’t self-centered, we’ll rather give out than waste.
Someone is always praying for the things we take for granted. The more you think about those in need, the less wasteful you will be. Be frugal!