You Need Direction More Than Speed to Get to Your Destination

Shawn Davis Kawalya
2 min readMay 25, 2023

Each morning, there is a popular quote I wake up to. This is a quote I crammed years ago when strokes of a cane drifted me out of my deep slumber in the wee hours of the morning since granny never wanted her boys to sleep past the sunrise - “You have to see the sun rise,” she always backed up the painful wallops.

“Direction Is So Much More Important Than Speed — Many Are Going Nowhere Fast.”

Everyone is in a rush, it’s like they everyone is trying to get to the moon or to the peak of their career so fast. Many people are rushing into situations head on forgetting the common saying, “Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.”

I agree that the world is suddenly fast rotating, we need things in real time, everything seems to be against us but let’s not forget to fasten our sails.

‘To be at peace with ourselves and take pleasure in life, we have to quit hurrying continuously. Individuals dash to arrive at the next circumstance that has virtually no genuine meaning for them, or that they truly don’t even wish to participate in. Urgency is the tempo of the twenty-first century; hurrying has turned into an ailment of really dangerous levels.’

We need to stop rushing into things, into conclusions, stop running into meaningless relationships and places that compromise our very aspect of living. Everything rushed quickly comes to a stop real fast.

It’s time to treat your startup like a baby, it takes nine months to produce this baby, then another 3 years to hear the kid’s first proper words. Treat every aspect of your life as this and you might know peace, and sustainable self development that’s not hinged on a small aspect to start crumbling.

Don’t rush the process, don’t trust it either but go with the flow. I am not saying that you should let luck fly by as you snail on.

Simply don’t rush because there is great success in knowing where you are going than in going no where too fast.



Shawn Davis Kawalya

'94 Poetry, Blogging, Volunteer, Critical Thinking, Free lancer, #DigitalMarketing, #ContentCreation.